Getting attention is prime important for any human. It’s natural that many bright ideas hidden in self to be expressed to the other person who is next (or in front of) to you. However when conversation get started, topic of discussion might get diverted in many instances. This may be because of one person in the discussion does not pay attention to what other person is saying. Thus the first person gets frustrated as the second one keeps on talking his / her views where some points are either answered / clarified. To emphasis stand of the frustrated person normally would raise voice. Now it is going to be difficult to calm down such situation.
Another reason for similar situation in work place could be due to difference in tolerance. Everyone will usually prioritize their tasks. Any changes all of a sudden will have an unbalance everywhere. To cope up with change will be tough for some people. This might lead to execute the instructed tasks half hearten (or reluctantly) causing mistakes / damages. Such damages will have a great proportion based on time delay. Delays in any predetermined tasks would test the expertise and tolerance of respective team leads. Thus the team lead has all chances to lose control and raise their voice.
So the basic concept in communication is to pay attention to what other person says.
- Listening – is the best tool to adopt.
- Objecting to any circumstances can be with due respect.